– Improving performance regarding particle separation and lube oil quality by replacing a separator with a HYDAC simplex filter and fine cartridge element.
Copenhagen, November 18th2022:
MAN Energy Solutions issued a “No Objection Letter” and thereby confirmed that the tests using an offline lubrication filter from HYDAC as the only cleaning unit (Separator bypassed) has shown positive results.
Beginning 2022 a large shipowner and HYDAC decided to install a simplex filter onboard of a Container vessel. The aim of this test was, to evaluate the feasibility to replace the lube oil separator by a cartridge filter. In parallel, MAN was asked to issue a No Objection Letter (NOL) after the test was successfully completed. The test and sample analysis were supervised by MAN.
Separators have been the standard solution for treating lube oil for many years. A separator’s proper function requires fine adjustment to the operating parameters (such as viscosity, temperature, water content, etc.) So the ambition of HYDAC was to establish a new standard by maintaining an equal or even better lube oil quality compared to conventional lube oil separators, offering a secure and simple system, which is easy to operate and maintain and at the same time saves energy and operational costs.
Benefits: HYDAC Simplex Filters vs. Separators
Savings& ROI:
- Electrical Energy/ Fuel 7500 €/year
- Maintenance 2000 €/year
- Return on investment: < 9 months
Improved system performance and simple operation:
- 10 μm (ß200) filtration
- ß200 = 99,5% of≥ 10 μm particles are retained
Save 100 % Electricity:
- No power supply for the filter is needed
- The separator needs about 10-15 kW/h
Save recycling costs:
- In comparison to a separator the simplex filter does not produce sludge
Spare parts reduced to minimum:
- No moving parts–no wear or tear
- Very easy to maintain due to simplicity in design and easy filter element exchange